Friday, February 26, 2010

Welcome New Members and participation in our poll!!

Hi Everyone!

I wanted to welcome our newest members and do a quick poll to see where we stand as a group for availability to do events.  Specifically, our trip to HQ and HA Brown Elementary.

Please vote for the best day so that I know when the best day to plan these events are. 

The poll ends Sunday Feb 28 at 10pm so I so that I can try and have dates for you at our next meeting, which is March 3rd 5pm South Conference room A, and don't forget--we feed you!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Changes due to snow & exciting news!

Hey everyone!
There are some things that need to be postponed,
I will have dates at the next meeting (which was also postponed).

Our next monthly meeting is Feb 24th at 5:00 Sharp!
The Interest Meeting starts at 4:30,
for those who are interested in knowing more about our group.
New recruits are more than welcome to stay for the monthly meeting
and join in the activities right away!
Vested Members who attend this meeting and new recruits who sign up for vested membership at the Feb meeting will receive a special "goodie bag" from NJEA!
Also, our NJEA Representative Marguerite Schroeder might be at our meeting!!

Now, on to the items that will be postponed...more details at the meeting, so be sure to be there!
  • Trip to NJEA Headquarters
  • Read Across America at H.A. Brown
  • Bake Sale