Friday, September 2, 2011

Welcome to Rutgers Camden ! 2011

Hope you all had a good summer and are ready for the "school year" to begin. Many of you will be student teaching this year and I wish you the very best as you begin that experience. I hope you have a great cooperating teacher and great classes.

We met many new students yesterday at the Orientation activity on campus and several transfer students interested in becoming teachers. We hope to keep this student organization alive, so we are looking for a few "good men and women" to participate!

If you would like to join SNJEA you can contact Debra Park at
It is only $10 to get involved in the campus activities but for $42 you can join the New Jersey Education Association and benefit from the resources that teachers do including the NJEA Convention in Atlantic City!

Check out the website for SNJEA and you will see that our chapter is highlighted on the main page! Thanks to Jaime Sia who worked really hard to get the chapter up and running.

We need students to PARTICIPATE in a meeting once a month (which we can hold during the free period) and we need students who would like to become Officers to organize the meetings, help with planning activities and to attend Rutgers Nuts and Bolts sessions for all campus student organizations (once a semester).

I teach on campus Mondays and Wednesdays in Armitage at 1:20,  room 101, and also on Wed. evenings at 6pm. You can usually find me in the Teacher Prep PTL office in the basement of Armitage between 3pm and 4pm on Wednesdays. Stop by if you have any questions about teaching or are interested in SNJEA.



Wednesday, February 23, 2011

NJEA Student Conference is coming up!!!

All current Student NJEA members are eligible to register ONLINE for the SNJEA conference on April 2 at the Princeton Marriott Hotel & Conference Center. The registration fee for members is $15. Click on the link below to register ONLINE.

If you are not a member and would like to become a member and attend the conference, email

Car pooling info to come  =)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Rutgers SNJEA is making strides to becoming a great new(ish) chapter!!!

We recieved chapter recognition over the summer & wanted to share it with everyone who helped to build this chapter over the last year!!

A big thank you to everyone who helped make this chapter!!!

We received the 2009-2010 New Chapter Award at the National Education Association's Student Leadership Conference in New Orleans!!!  This is national recognition!!

Rutgers SNJEA also received a thank you and Certificate of Appreciation from Heart of America for our contribution to H. A. Brown Elementary School.

Stay tuned for information about this coming semester and please cast your vote for the most convenient time for you to make a meeting!

Friday, May 7, 2010

We're in the NJEA Reporter AGAIN!!!

Check it out!!  Page 7 is a picture of Jaime Sia, Eugene Grear and Jen Hoffman to compliment an article on the SNJEA Conference.

Pretty exciting stuff!!!  :-)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Our trip to Henry A Brown elementary has finally come and gone....

and what a rewarding experience it was!

Not only were the principal, teacher support supervisor, teachers, and students very excited and appreciative of our generous donation (about 1500 books!!!) and $175.00 which will give them 116 more books!! It was just the moral booster we needed to keep on truckin' toward our degree considering the "political climate" in NJ right now.  Reading to the students reinforced in us that this is what we want to do!!

Thanks to everyone who participated & and big thanks to Kappa Delta Pi's and it's President, Eugene Grear (and RU-SNJEA's new Membership Chair) for joining us in this book drive and event!!  Hopefully this can become a yearly event!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Reminising on our First Semester & Congratulations to our new officers!!

Today was our last official meeting of the semester.  We held elections and brainstorms ideas for next semester to work on during the summer.

I (Jaime) would like to thank everyone who helped to make this semester a success, it was our first full semester at a club on Rutgers Campus and we did a great job!

Here's a recap of our events:
Visit to NJEA Headquarters
Book Drive (30 boxes of books collected & $175 to date)
H.A. Brown visit to donate books & read to students
Student NJEA Conference
NJ Retired EA seminar

So, for our first semester--we've done quite a bit!!

Elections were held today and our new officer line up is...
President Jaime
Vice President Tara
Secretary Jen
Treasurer Brittany
GOA Rep Ashley
Membership Chair Eugene
Historian Rachel

Here's to an AWESOME Fall semester!!!  Oh, and stay tuned for summer meeting dates as well as meeting dates for Fall.