Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Reminising on our First Semester & Congratulations to our new officers!!

Today was our last official meeting of the semester.  We held elections and brainstorms ideas for next semester to work on during the summer.

I (Jaime) would like to thank everyone who helped to make this semester a success, it was our first full semester at a club on Rutgers Campus and we did a great job!

Here's a recap of our events:
Visit to NJEA Headquarters
Book Drive (30 boxes of books collected & $175 to date)
H.A. Brown visit to donate books & read to students
Student NJEA Conference
NJ Retired EA seminar

So, for our first semester--we've done quite a bit!!

Elections were held today and our new officer line up is...
President Jaime
Vice President Tara
Secretary Jen
Treasurer Brittany
GOA Rep Ashley
Membership Chair Eugene
Historian Rachel

Here's to an AWESOME Fall semester!!!  Oh, and stay tuned for summer meeting dates as well as meeting dates for Fall.

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