Sunday, December 13, 2009

Meeting Minutes...

SNJEA Minutes For December 2nd 2009

Meeting Time & Location: 4:30 – 5:30; Room South-A in the RU-Camden Student Center. Please note the time and location will remain the same for the rest of the year. We will no longer be meeting in Raptor’s Roost!

-> IMPORTANT MEETING CHANGES: The 3-17 & 5-12 meeting dates will be changed. The next meeting will on 1/27 in Room South-A, beginning at 4:30. Food will be provided. Let us know if you have any food allegories!

-> We provided a re-explanation of the SNJEA folder for anyone who missed the first meeting. To be a vested member, please fill out the payment envelope in the folder and include your credit/debit card information or a check for $32. Give these envelopes to Jaime ASAP. If you want to mail the envelope on your own, you are free to do so but it may take additional time to process your membership. $5 dues were also collected at this meeting, but you can still pay the $5 at the January meeting. The $5 covers the spring semester membership cost. If you have questions about the dues, please contact our treasurer Ebony.

-> Event Idea Form. We are taking fundraiser/event suggestions very seriously, and encourage members to complete event idea forms ASAP. If you have connections that you want to share, please tell us. We especially need ideas for our own Holiday event, which will take place next year.

-> Operation Blessing: Items and donations are still being accepted for operation blessing! Jaime recently sent out an email that has details about when items should be given to Laurie, who has volunteered to drive all contributions to West Deptford Highschool (thank you Laurie!). The latest donations will be accepted is THIS Friday so please see Laurie as soon as you can. Gifts for pre-teens (hygiene gifts) would be GREATLY appreciated!

-> Read Across America: Jaime and Ashley are in the process of contacting Pennsauken HS and Ben Franklin Elementary School, and we hope they are able to participate in Read Across America. This event will take place in March (times/details to come) and will involve books, crafts, and other fun activities. We’re hoping all younger students will be able to leave the event with books of their own and are thinking of having a book drive, hosted by Better World Books. This book drive is still in the planning stages and if anyone has connections with Better World Books or other organizations, please let us know!

-> Catholic Charities: This is an opportunity to tutor refugees from Burma/Nepal. Tutors will instruct children from preschool – highschool and help them with their English learning. There will be a set schedule for tutors and any volunteers MUST be consistent and have their own transportation to the Stratford Area. Tutoring locations will take place at a neutral site, which will be decided on an individual basis. Ample interest was expressed in the last meeting and there will be more details to come in future meetings. It should also be noted that a background check is required for all tutors. The cost is $32.

-> Student Convention: The student convention will take place on Saturday April 17th from 8 am – 2:30 pm at the Princeton Marriot. There is an admission price for non-vested members.

-> February Fundraiser: We still need to decide on a fundraiser for February, but we are currently leaning toward a bake sale. A poll will be posted on facebook concerning the fundraiser and your opinions are very welcome. Details will be announced.

-> SNJEA Celebration! NJEA wants to celebrate the creation of our group! Vested members will be invited to the headquarters in Trenton and our photo will be placed in the NJEA magazine! Details will be announced.

-> Facebook group: If you are on facebook, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE join the group! The link is here: and the group title is “Rutgers-Camden NJEA Student Chapter.” Post your ideas and enthusiasm on the wall! Jaime wants more people to comment so she doesn’t feel like she’s talking to herself. Show the president some love, okay?

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